Park Operations and Planning

The Park Operation and Planning Branch (POPS) purpose is to promote and provide professional development, education and growth for Park Operations and Planning professionals, and to foster inter-organization and peer linkages.

Support TRAPS and foster growth by assisting the POPs Branch! The purpose of serving TRAPS in these roles is to continue efforts to create professional connections, foster advocacy, connect members to important resources, and provide education opportunities to one of the largest branch memberships within TRAPS. These roles will work closely with state and regional leadership to improve current services and help to create future opportunities for the POPS branch. For more information about these leadership opportunities, please contact the current branch leadership.

State Maintenance Rodeo

For more Information about the State Maintenance Rodeo, click below.

Regional Rodeo

For information on the regional maintenance rodeo events please visit the page for the specific region you are interested in.

Central Region | East Region | North Region | South Region | West Region

Upcoming POPs Trainings and Events

Click here for a list of upcoming trainings or meetings.

Rodeo Rules and Planning Documents

Branch Co-Director | Timothy Speyrer
District Park Manager, Travis County Parks

Branch Co-Director | Kevin Carter
Parks Superintendent, Pearland PARD

Branch Chair-Elect | Joey Gomez
Park Superintendent, Grand Prairie PARD