The Future and Young Professionals Branch is dedicated to advancing the future of our Industry through networking and mentorship opportunities.
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Our Objectives:
- To increase recruitment and retention of Young Professionals in TRAPS
- To increase the number of Young Professionals involved in volunteer positions at the Regional, State, and National Levels
- To increase the number of young professionals attending TRAPS Institute
- To provide educational opportunities relevant to the interest and concerns of young professionals
- To encourage young professionals to become involved in legislative efforts
- To encourage young professionals to become involved in the public relations efforts to educate the public about the parks and recreation profession
- To promote professionalism among young professionals.
Upcoming Meeting
Wednesday, April 16, 2025, at 2 PM CST
Topic: Conference Speaking and Topic Selection
TRAPS Future & Young Professionals t-shirts can now be purchased online!

Future and Young Professionals Branch Leadership
Chair: Miranda Maloy, Lewisville
Chair-Elect: Abby Sandy, Coppell
Past-Chair: Cassie Paddock, Schertz
Secretary: Mia Macy
Central Region: Claryce Free, Temple
East Region: Brandon Jones, Pearland
North Region: Hayden Garner, Grapevine
South Region: Justin Menchaca, Pleasanton
West Region: VACANT
Marketing: Kelsey Stuart, Denton
Volunteer Coordinator: Sydney Paredes, Schertz