TRAPS CPRP/CPRE Discount Pricing Program 2021

A member-exclusive benefit of the Texas Recreation and Park Society (TRAPS) is the opportunity to participate in discounted rates for the Certified Parks and Recreation Professional (CPRP) and Certified Parks and Recreation Executive (CPRE) exams.

SPECIAL BONUS: Register with TRAPS and receive a free Basic CPRP Learning Pack (up to $250 value) to help prepare you for the exam.

PRICING: $200 CPRP Exam | $290 CPRE Exam


This application allows you to take advantage of special TRAPS member pricing. It is only available once per year; this year from April 1, 2021 to April 23, 2021. All registrations for discount will be processed after the 4/23 deadline and sent to NRPA for review. NRPA will then reach out to you directly with details on your exam application. You will have up to 1 year to take the exam once NRPA approves your application. 

Prior to submitting this form and payment, please read through all materials on the National Recreation and Park Association website regarding eligibility. This form is NOT an application for the actual exam; by completing this form, you are verifying that you meet the minimum eligibility requirements for the CPRP/E exam and paying and securing payment of the exam at the discounted price. TRAPS does not approve exam applications or guarantee approval for the exam. 

TRAPS must receive a minimum of 3 candidates and no more than 30 total candidates to receive the discounted rate. Should less than 3 candidates apply, your application money will be refunded after the 4/23 deadline.

For questions, email