Years of Service in the Parks and Recreation Industry:
Over 10 years of professional experience
Tell us the View from YOUR Park Bench? What are you looking at as a recreation professional right now?
The figurative view from my park bench is unique because I am a frontline worker providing essential mental health services during an unprecedented global pandemic. This experience has forced me to become more focused and creative in my approach to help our patients reach optimal holistic health outcomes at a time when their mental health is worse than ever. I’ve had to dig deep to help them as best as I can through Recreation Therapy services, while being mindful of my own mental health. I’ve learned a lot about myself both professionally and personally by staying goal oriented and striving to become the positive light that I’d like to see in the world. This approach has shifted my literal view from my park bench as I recently saw my biggest initiative to date start to bear some real tangible progress. I successfully lobbied our corporate office and helped secure the funding to remodel our old and inaccessible playground and this past week we opened our brand new state of the art playground that has been deemed as a National Demonstration Site for research and data collection.
Who was your mentor and what was the most important thing you learned from him/her?
Allie Thomas is one of my first mentors in the profession. She taught me to find honest silver linings in the most difficult of situations. Marcus Mercer taught me that I have to change myself first before I’ll ever see any real change in the world. Christina Coleman taught me that it’s not easy to make change but that there’s always something to be learned during periods of difficulty.
If you magically received 100% funding, what project would you implement for your organization?
Investing in the staff we have available on each unit and in each department. I’d invest in their mental health. If you are taking care of yourself you are better able to help care for others. Our turnover would decrease and our culture would take the next step towards increasing positive outcomes for our patients.
What TRAPS member is doing amazing things for our organization and should be recognized?
Jesslyna Olivares is someone who I’ve had professional admiration for since we first met during our time in the TRAPS Leadership Academy. She is results driven and I’ve seen her put her stamp on our organization with her leadership skills while serving the Future and Young Professionals Branch of TRAPS.
Would you like to submit the view from your park bench? Take a few months to fill out this questionnaire:
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